Project Description
RaySafe i3
The RaySafe i3 is an active radiation dosimetry system that provides real-time insights about radiation exposure. For instance, it helps medical staff and physicians evaluate and directly adjust their behaviors and more effectively use all the radiation reduction solutions provided in the room. This results in higher patient as well as employee safety in x-ray rooms.
Wear a Real-time Dosimeter to measure your exposure
The RaySafe real-time dosimeter measures and records radiation every second. Because of this instant flow of data, medical professionals get a real-time overview of radiation levels, and can act quickly. The data is transferred wirelessly to the Real-time Hub. The dosimeter requires minimal maintenance and can be personalized by removing its window and changing color insets. Most importantly though, the RaySafe i3 system keeps both patients and medical professionals safe and it is the preferred active dosimetry system in x-ray rooms around the globe.

Get visual feedback enabling quick actions
RaySafe Real-time View, shown on the lab’s main screen or on a stand-alone display, shows dose data for connected dosimeters in real time. Green, yellow and red bars indicate the dose rate for up to eight individuals. This results in getting direct feedback, which leads to increased control for users who can take immediate actions to minimize radiation exposure.

Learn more by analyzing your dose data
RaySafe Dose Viewer is used for administrating dosimeters and viewing of personal dose information. It is crucial for for advanced analysis, reporting and archiving of dose information to use RaySafe Dose Manager. It manages multiple dosimeters and can retrieve dose information from multiple i3 systems throughout the hospital network or via USB storage. This means that for instance hospitals with multiple x-ray rooms can bundle their dose information data in one place. This makes the administration of dosage data easy to handle, and provides the insight medical professionals require to act accordingly in multiple locations at once.

Authorized distributor of RaySafe Products
Nordic Service Group is the authorized distributor for RaySafe products in Denmark and Norway. Since 2019 Finland is also included. Please contact our local Nordic Service Group department for further information. We are always
RaySafe offers solutions for the X-ray room. These include products which collect radiation information, add value and share it in an easy-to-understand way with all relevant personal. As a result RaySafe is the preferred choice by medical professionals around the globe.
The products are known for user friendliness combined with state-of-the-art technology and maximum accuracy. Hence, serving to help people avoid unnecessary radiation, which leads to a safer work environment. This also means, they also help to establish a better radiation safety culture wherever people encounter radiation. Feel free to contact us for more information, product demonstrations, or current offers of our RaySafe product line.