Fluke Biomedical Medical Equipment Test Instruments

Fluke Biomedical is the internationally leading manufacturer of testing and measuring equipment for all of the major product groups in the medical industry. Nordic Service Group is an authorized retailer for Fluke Biomedical in Denmark, Norway and Finland. Our goal is to deliver the best solutions which make the testing processes easier with the highest possible quality. Our customers are medical engineers, quality control engineers and product safety staff. Fluke Biomedical is constantly expanding their range of products which provides the best platform for the individual user. Fluke medical equipment test instruments make sure to keeping your medical devices up and running

Please contact your local Nordic Service Group office for further information.

Picture of NSG employee

Kenneth Kaster-Nybjerg

Sales manager
Fluke Biomedical & RaySafe Product Specialist

Electrical Safety Analyzers


Patient Simulators

Infant Radiant Warmer and Incubator Analyzers

Gas Flow Analyzers

Electrosurgical Analyzers

Defibrillator Analyzers

Infusion Pump Analyzers